
Showing posts from November, 2023

Arbor Day Foundation Is Very Important To Us! | White Rock Tree Wizards

Arbor Day Foundation Is Very Important To Us! | White Rock Tree Wizards : Trees never stop giving to us. That’s why the Arbor Day Foundation has never stopped working for them. Find out how ADF plans to answer some of humanity’s greatest challenges by planting millions of trees.  Here's a mind blowing stat 👇 Almost as much carbon is stored in forests (650 billion tons) as in the atmosphere (760 billion tons)   Here's a mind blowing stat 👇 Almost as much carbon is stored in forests (650 billion tons) as in the atmosphere (760 billion tons) — Arbor Day Foundation (@arborday) October 30, 2023 @arborwizard #moretreesplease 🌲🌳🌴🎋

5 Tips for Fall Tree Care by our Tree Doctor

5 Tips for Fall Tree Care by our Tree Doctor : With Our - "Did You Knows, Do’s and Don’ts" If you love your trees as much as the Dallas Tree Doctor does, you’ll take note of the five tips for fall tree care. Did you know winter is the most active growing season for your tree’s root systems? Therefore, continue to water your leaf-losing-friends and

Burn This, Not That by Dallas Tree Care Specialist and Tree Doctor

Burn This, Not That by Dallas Tree Care Specialist and Tree Doctor